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Register your child


Authorized Pickup 1 (other than Parent)

Authorized Pickup 2 (other than Parent)

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT (other than parent)


Other Children in the Family

Information About Your Child

NOTE: One month’s notice will be required to withdraw the child from  the program, and the tuition fees will be paid up to the end of the month in which such notice becomes effective.

Registration fee $23

Payment options: Etransfer

Drop off or mail to Gan Gani 536 Huron Huron St London Ontario N5Y 4J5

Once your registration has been approved you will be notified, and receive medical forms and other information via email.

To be filled out by Administration ONLY

Gan Gani is enrolled in the Canada Wide Early Learning Child Care System (CWELCC), and our tuition and registration fees reflect current government mandates.

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